Anatomage Table Alpha is one of the most innovative 3D anatomy learning solutions for advanced high school anatomy and biology education. Stemming from the world-renowned Anatomage Table, the Alpha offers the same interactive dissection experience to explore real human and animal anatomy, now at a budget-friendly price.
Supplement Dissection:
Bridge the gap between the concepts learned in animal anatomy with those in human anatomy. Provide students the opportunity to dissect and visualize real human tissue.
College Ready:
Expose high school students to college-level education for a smooth transition. Top-tier institutions worldwide integrate the Anatomage Table into their curriculum with proven results.
Table Alpha is cost effective, made from readily available consumer hardware, while providing the same software content and features as the acclaimed Anatomage Table.
Table Alpha features full high-resolution 3D animal and real human anatomy learning cases that can be interacted via touch. By utilizing a touch interactive screen and sophisticated 3D anatomy visualization software, students can rotate the virtual body and cut it in any direction. With the intuitive touch interface, users can simply and accurately interact with Table Alpha.
Interactive display system in a comfortable form factor
High-resolution 3D animal and cadaver cases
Medical school level lab experience
Tailored to the 21st century classroom