Andor’s portfolio of CCD, sCMOS and EMCCD cameras provide a wide range of high sensitivity, high dynamic range and fast detection solutions for table-top laboratory and beamline experiments. These detectors benefit especially applications in the field of EUV, X-ray, neutron or electron detection for material science, plasma studies, bio-samples analysis or beam/source characterisation.
NEW Marana-X – High Speed, Direct X-ray Detection Back-illuminated sCMO
95% QE and low noise vacuum cooled.
Ideal for X-ray water window tomographic and in-situ imaging, EUV spectroscopy & coherent diffraction imaging.
X-Ray, Electron & Neutron Detection cameras adapted to your needs
Andor offers a comprehensive portfolio of open fronted direct X-ray detection cameras (SO), also available with Berylium windows (SY) in stand alone formats with Andor’s patented UltraVac™ technology. Andor also offers high throughput fibreoptic and lens coupled indirect detection solutions to meet every need.
Biology & Life Science
By exploiting the power of the water window region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which water is transparent to X-rays 282 eV (carbon K-edge) – 533 eV (oxygen K-edge) it is possible to study organic species in vivo cryogenically suspended to preserve their natural shape and structure. X-rays offer a unique non-destructive, in situ and in operando diagnostic technique to study the structure and biology of organic samples without the degradation often seen in electron microscopy techniques.
The advent of higher repetition rate lasers for high harmonic generation, synchrotron source upgrades and the development of X-ray free electron lasers is enabling brighter