Featuring inbuilt motorised drive – operated by innovative touch-sensitive pushing handles
Reduce your manual handling liabilities further with the compact, light weight and supremely manoeuvrable QA3™ DRIVE – the complete solution for any emergency department. Specially designed for Emergency Departments with radiotranslucent platform, offering exceptional X-ray access, the QA3™ is robust and has maximum patient comfort built in with its exceptional low height and exceptional K8 Pressure care mattress. Featuring inbuilt motorised drive – operated by innovative touch-sensitive pushing handles: controlled, effortless travel up to gradients of 10°
Transport - Treatment - Recovery
Safe - Effective - Proven
NEW inbuilt motorised drive – works with 5th wheel steering to offer superb manoeuvrability and controlled, effortless travel up to gradients of 10 degrees.
NEW Pushing handles – totally innovative touch sensitive design to activate inbuilt motorised drive and move trolley forward or back.
Patient comfort – exceptional low height capability and store away cot sides for easy mount/dismount particularly for elderly patients.
X Ray translucent platform – full length radio translucent platform suitable for digital or traditional plates
Vertically operated cot sides – store away under mattress giving a virtually zero transfer gap. Spring counterbalancing allows effortless ease of operation
Hydraulic lift mechanism – exceptional low height capability, adjusted by means of independently operating pedals located on both sides of the trolley.