Angstrom Advanced sets the standard in Ellipsometry-bringing the best in ellipsometry technology at the most affordable prices.Angstrom Advanced offers full range of ellipsometers for thin film thickness measurements, optical characterization for refractive index and extinction coefficient analysis (n & k). Angstrom Advanced Inc ellipsometry can be used for many different applications and are used in some of the most prestigious laboratories such as MIT, NASA, UC Berkeley, Yale University, Duke University, NIST and many more.
The PHE101 is the latest discrete wavelength ellipsometer with many new features, such as material library, wide variable angle, a second laser for alignment and a powerful software making the PHE101 Ellipsometer with high accuracy and repetition.
Excellent accuracy and repetition
Fast rotating analyzer operation.
Powerful software with material library
Widest variable angle 10-90°
Auto focus compensates for sample topography and wafer 'bow' misalignment
High stability and reproducibility of measured angle better than 0.01°
Measurement speed is less than 1 sec
PHE101 ellipsometer is an ideal discrete wavelength ellipsometer designed for measuring the refractive index, extinction coefficient(n & k) and thickness of single and multi-layer films.
The PHE101 ellipsometer takes quick and accurate readings due to its precision optical analyzer/detector and its stable mechanical design. The PHE101 ellipsometer is supplied complete with an integrated Windows software package, which further enhances the speed and ease of operating the instrument.