Plating System is a product platform consisting of plates, screws and instrumentation intended for use in oral, maxillofacial surgery: trauma, reconstructive surgery, and orthognathic surgery.
Part Number : 56.10.116A-6
Availability : In Stock.
Delivery : 4 - 7 Working Days Delivery
Origin : Turkey
Certifications : Ce Certificate, Iso Certificate
Manufacture : We can produce this product for you with your brand
Plating System is a product platform consisting of plates, screws and instrumentation intended for use in oral, maxillofacial surgery: trauma, reconstructive surgery, and orthognathic surgery.
Severe craniomaxillofacial abnormalities not only compromise the functions of our senses, they often have psychosocial consequences: Not only do the afflicted persons suffer from functional disorders, they are often rejected by their social environment. Here we present you with everything that is essential for procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. From plates, meshes and screws, through to lasers and patient-specific implants.
The sum of plates and screws for fixing the jaw, face and skull bones. The implants can be fixed with screws to the bone surface, thereby holding the bones together. For fixing broken bones or aesthetic corrections.
Specifications ;
Micro Plate Thicness 0,6 mm
For Titanium Bone Screw 1,6 mm