An advanced multi-color imaging & analysis solution for Brightfield and Fluorescence samples, addressing Research needs of clinical laboratories by extracting quantitative, spectral and morphological information on cell-biology.
Rainbow reveals the spectrum of every pixel in the image, providing advanced analysis tools to extract quantitative, spectral and morphological information on cell biology.
See beyond the visible
Spectral range twice as wide as the visual range, revealing hidden information
Un-mixing of multiple colors, resolving co-localized image components
Removal of background signals in Brightfield and auto-fluorescence and enhancement of cluttered signals
Unveil a world of research for a wide range of applications
Cell biology
Multicolor IHC
Stem Cells
Cell identification
Infectious disease
nterferometer-Based and Electro-Optical
A cutting edge dual-mode optical system, allowing both interferometer-based image capture for 3D hyperspectral imaging and direct view mode for high resolution 2D image capture.