CoATherm AK-F50(White) is developed to treat pain of joints in the spine by blocking nerves. The blocking (also called ablation) of nerves is a method that may be used to reduce certain kinds of chronic pain by preventing transmission of pain signals. It is a safe procedure in which a portion of nerve tissue is destroyed or removed to cause an interruption in pain signals and reduce pain in that area.
Colourful graphic display indicationg Joule, impedance, level(power), temperature, time.
– Stimulation mode – Inner or outer searching for sensory or motor nerves
– S Tip Mode – Accurate Thermal Control & lesion size
。CRF & PRF mode
– I tip mode – Taking advantage of cooling system for larger lesion range
temperature & Impedance monitoring
4 Channel Adapter- A solution for multi-channel output
Ergonomic design
Minimal Invasive surgery
a variety of electrodes(reusable and disposable) and cannulae(reusable and disposable)
Electrode with thermo sensor
-Temperature Monitoring
-22/20/17 Gauge diameter
-90/100/150mm length
-3/5/7/10 tip exposures
Optimal solution for Pain Management
Searching Nerve
stimulation mode
Blocking Nerves(S-Tip mode)
Cervical spinal nerve block
Lumber spinal nerve block
-Intradiscal electrothermal surgery(I-Tip mode)
Procedure & Effect
1. confirmation that the needle tip is positioned correctly
2. an electrode is inserted into the needle
3. A small electric current is passed through the needle
4. The nerves are treated with precise controls by a physician while the needle is inserted into the body