This line has a compact design meeting the need for efficiency and the functions of a dental practice with a contemporary style that is very appreciated by young and clever professionals.
The units combine their clear-cut personality with the neat elegance of their lines and volumes that are defined by a large bridge structure in 7 cm-thick laminate, which can host from 2 to 4 storage units. SERIE TREND includes a wide range of accessories and alternative elements such as wall units, tall units and cabinets with castors for greater flexibility.
SERIE TREND also includes a self-standing tall unit with sink separated from the main unit that can be placed close to the water supply.
Otherwise, the sink can also be built into the worktop. All materials and shapes have been conceived for optimal sanitization of the dental practice. The wide space under the unit makes cleaning operations easier.
The ‘Hygene’ tall units stands out among the elements featured by SERIE TREND. It has been especially developed to teach the correct dental hygiene. The care for each and every detail is one of the main characteristics that make furniture by ARIES so much appreciated in the world.
Functions, practical use and easy sanitization can be recognised in every detail.
The highly technological steel tall unit with sink provided with dispensers for the main single-use products is ideal for prevention in the dental sector.