Vacuum isolators for personal and environmental protection, guaranteed OEL/OEB Class 5 (< 1 µg/cbm)
Work involving highly toxic substances is performed in toxic isolators. Personal and environmental protection is consequently a mandatory requirement. The substances in question are frequently sensitive to humidity and/or oxygen, and require certain processing conditions. For cases such as these, we create customer-specific operating modes. The systems are designed and built in an ex-proof version, and this also applies to all the relevant devices and components, with explosive gas protection possible up to zone 1 and explosive dust protection up to zone 21.
Dispensing isolator with an airlock to connect with the safety work bench
Dispensing isolator with a drum lifiting device
Dispensing isolator with two air locks and a connection to a safety work bench
Dispensing isolator with working chamber and lock chamber
Isolators for IPC