Multilayer coil with high flexibility and torsional rigidity realize optimal torque transmission in tortuous anatomy for precise deployment and delivery.
The torque coil, consisting of multiple layers of multifilar coils, has excellent flexibility and torque transmission characteristics. it enables high-speed rotation and precise rotational control from the proximal end through very tortuous anatomies. Typical applications are for IVUS, OCT catheter, atherectomy devices, and delivery catheter shaft.
The test result shows how the Multifilar coil (either Torque coil or ACT ONE) transmits precise torque control from the proximal end to the distal end. This allows your catheter shaft to enable stable positioning control.
For applications where relatively high outer diameters (2-4 mm) need to be combined with both good torque transmission and high flexibility, Asahi Intecc’s torque coil would be a good solution. Depending on the required rotation directions, torque coil is provided in both 2-layer and 3-layer versions.