system designed for providing group rehabilitation that ensures simultaneously an individual course of training for each patient and ECG monitoring. It may work with treadmill ASPEL TRM-612 and cycloergometer ASPEL CRG-601. The set allows also for an assessment of the rehabilitation efficacy (exercise capacity assessment module). This supervised training system allows a precise electrocardiographic monitoring of the patient during physical exercises.
Technical specifications
·Possibility of continuous recording of high quality waveforms of 12 ECG leads,
·Treadmill and ergometer compatibility,
·Complete archiving of the performed tests,
·ECG printout on a laser printer (normal paper, 3, 6 or 12 leads), Continuous measurement of Rhythm frequency and ST level and slope in 12 leads,
·ECG presentation in a few different modes (3, 6 or 12 leads),
·Indication of exceeding the set parameters (heart rate, ST level), Fast and simple change of ECG display manner (speed, amplification),
·Several filter types allowing for eliminating disturbances (digital filters),
·Possibility of configuring the system according to user requirements,
·Possibility of comparing changes in ECG waveforms,
·Defining own test protocols,
·Possibility of recording resting ECGs in an extended time frame (up to 60 minutes),
Standard equipment
·Medical Diagnostic Stand with LCD 27" and external printer A4
·ASTER software with key USB
·treadmill ASPEL TRM-612
·cycloergometer ASPEL CRG-601