Our trusted SP i-Dositecno External Vial Washers offer unparalleled decontamination.
Low pressure water nozzles clean from the top down while additional nozzles are positioned underneath, so you can be sure there’s no surface left untouched and no cap inadvertently compromised
Effective and safe cleaning – specialized transport system with enclosure prevents water ingress and eliminates bacterial contamination
Compact and flexible – small footprint designed for vials from 2-125 mL; changeover takes 20 minutes or less!
Easily validated – servo-driven adjustments guarantee repeatable vial position for consistent cleaning
Rest assured that the exterior surfaces of your vials are fully decontaminated, and all particulates removed with the i-Dositecno External Vial Washing Machine; a simple, robust, high-quality vial washing solution that promises to increase efficiency, minimize false rejects and increase operator safety – all while complying with cGMP guidelines.
Saving precious floor space – With its compact design, the i-Dositecno range of in-line External Vial Washing Machines are perfect for companies with limited manufacturing space. Capable of washing up to 100 vials per minute with our EVW-60, or as many as 400 vials per minute with the EVW-100, there’s a vial washing solution to suit all needs. And for maximum sterility and containment, the EVW-100 is compatible with glove ports, a wash down wand, and an air handling system with bag in and bag out HEPA filters.