If you need a lyophilizer that slots into your fill-finish workflow and is cleanroom ready, the Hull LyoConstellation pilot lyophilizers are here to help. With a comprehensive range of innovative technologies for your high-value products – including controlled ice nucleation, fluid condenser cooling, and large diameter vapor ports for high flow – we’ve done the hard work, so you don’t have to.
Flexible – models include S10, S20, and S30 to ensure you get the lyophilizer you need
Scalable – utilizes the same software and technology options as smaller systems
Our Hull LyoConstellation™ S10, S20 and S30 Development and Pilot Lyophilizers build on SP’s reputation as a pioneer of freeze-drying technologies. Designed to GMP standards and ready for full line integration, the LyoConstellation fits in where others cannot. And if time is not on your side, rest assured that our lyophilizers are configured to order – for faster than average market delivery.
Built for demanding lyophilization needs – Each of our units accommodate vials up to 30 mL and can hold 100 mTorr while shelves are at +40⁰C fully loaded, so you can develop the most aggressive of freeze-drying cycles safe in the knowledge that you’re using a lyophilizer that works with you. Our LyoConstellation lyophilizers also come with 5, 6 and 8 shelves so there’s no throughput that is too high.