1. Introduction
Audental dental PMMA blocks are a type of polymer widely used in industrial and commercial settings. These blocks are manufactured by blending methyl methacrylate monomers with various other components to produce a material that is both strong and lightweight. PMMA blocks boast a range of features, including excellent weather resistance, UV stability, and flame retardancy, making them suitable for a multitude of applications.
Audental pmma blocks include: Multilayer PMMA BLOCK, Monolayer PMMA BLOCK, Denture Base PMMA BLOCK, Flexible PMMA BLOCK.
· Available Shades: Clear, Pink, A0, Vita 16, Bleach 1-4
2. Indications
Temporary crowns and bridges; verification of the bridge on the plaster model/mouth; full dentures; partial dentures; bite guards; therapeutic splints; drilling templates; frameworks
3. Product Advantage
· Outstanding abrasion resistance
· Superior surface finish and polishing performance
· Excellent long-term shade stability and aesthetics
· Ideal for fabricating fully and partially long-term temporary crowns and bridges
· Exceptional abrasion resistance without deformation
· Available in both single shades and multi-layer options