A negative spherical aberration of -0.15u is provided to:
Imitate results of the young natural crystalline lens.
Enhance depth of focus and contrast sensitivity in mesopic and scotopic condition
Withstand a tilt of 10 degree and decentration of 1.0 mm
Suits cornea of majority of the global population
Technical specifications
Design Characteristics
Optic Design Aspheric (Négative Aberration)
Haptics Design Force Enduring Haptics
Convexity Bi-Convex
Angulation - 3° Angulation
Square Edge 360° Square Edge
A Constant 118.7 (Optical) 118.4 (Ultra Sound)
ACD Value 5mm
Diopter Range 5.0 to 25.0 in 1.0 D incrément 15.0 to 25.0 in 0.5 D increment 25.0 - to + 35.0 in 1.0 D incrément
Delivery System Disposable preloaded injector & cartridge for 2.8mm incision (10.0 D to 30.0 D) 3.2mm incision (above 30.0 D)
Material Characteristics
Lens Material Hydrophobic acrylic
10% UV Cut off 385nm
Light Transmittance More than 90%
Glass Transition - Temperature 8° C
Refractive Index 1.47
Shelf Life for ail Hydrophobic Models is 5 years
Innovative In Material
To deliver a revolutionary IOL, Aurolab began from the round up, creating the proprietary hydrophobic Aurovue that enables great comfort and sharp vision across focal distances for the patient, while remaining easy to handle for doctors. As a result Aurolab EV Preloaded delivers the highest optical clarity among IOLS.
E & O.E Ref: Based on respective product information and company data. NA: Data not available "Ref..Internal study Lower the ABBE number, higher the colour dispersion which will result in failure of the lens to bring all wavelengths of all colour to the same focal point