Innovative combination of Axiostat with the conventional compression bands can be used very efficiently to achieve patent haemostasis with zero arterial occlusions. The biologically active Axiostat combined with low pressure by compression band makes it a 2-step simple process of application and removal as compared to conventional multi step application and reduction of pressure in traditional bands for long hours.
Patent Haemostasis
Constant Minimal Pressure on Radial Artery
Effective on Patients with Blood Thinners
Minimal Post Procedure Complications
Available in Sizes: V35: 3.5×3.5cm | V25: 2.5×2.5cm
How to Use
Upon completion of the procedure withdraw the sheath by 2-3 cm.
Place Axiostat® V25/V35 on the sheath and cover the puncture site adequately.
Place sterile gauze over Axiostat® & apply manual compression and remove the sheath.
Release the pressure and allow few drops of blood to enter Axiostat® and compress for 1 minute.
Keep the occlusive compression for 10 min till the time Axiostat® adheres to the site and no bleeding is observed.
Cover the Axiostat® with secondary dressing and let it stay for 100 min.
Remove Axiostat® by irrigating
with plenty of saline, When Axiostat® turns into a liquid gel, it can be easily and painlessly taken off.