SangX Double Blood Bag
Double blood bag system is used for seperation of two components from whole blood blood. This double system includes one primary bag with anticogulant CPDA-1 & one empty satalite bag.
Double 350ml, CPDA
Double 450ml, CPDA
Double 350ml, CPDA, with Needle Safety cover,
Sampling Bag & Vacutainer holder
Double 450ml, CPDA, with Needle Safety cover,
Sampling Bag & Vacutainer holder
Bag Material
i High molecular weight PVC sheet
Excellent sheet tensile & weld strength
PVC with optimum ratio of TOTM for
best O , & CO, permeability
for platelet storoge
Sampling Bag
i Positioned to collect first flow of blood
after phlebotomy
i Prevents contamination
Sampling Tube Holder
I Secured transfer of sample to
Blood tubes
i Needle jacket with lid lo prevent
accidentai injuries
Needle Safety Cover
i Rétractable Needle Protector covers needle
after blood collection
t Prevents accidentai stick injuries
Ultra Smooth Needle
i 16 G Ultra thin walled needle
for better blood flow
f Siliconized needle for smooth
vein puncture, protected with hard cap