The defined conduction of the liquid medium trough a double slit in BANDELIN vortex reactor guarantees a homogeneous ultrasonic treatment at the ultrasound emitting surface of the reactor tube and the intense cavitation field in the area of the double slit. An additional turbulence item at the entry of the reactor further improves the homogenization of the liquid medium.
The main applications for the VORTEX reactor are:
● Intensifying of industrial, biotechnological and chemical processes, disintegrating, degassing and disagglomerating
● Intense degassing of dye solutions and photographic emulsions
● CO2 degassing of aqueous reactants
● Support of disinfection (bacterial elimination) in water and wastewater treatment
● Disinfection of organic contaminant material in industrial rinsing liquids for recycling
● Support of disinfection of bacteria- and parasite-burdened fishbreeding circulating waters
● Producing of finest polishing pastes for wafer industry
● Homogenizing of pigments in oil (producing of ink)