Highest Pressure Inflation Device on the Market* – Up to 40 ATM
Inflate to Both Low and Ultra-High Pressures
Ergonomic Design Allows for Comfortable Handling
Large Barrel Allows for Rapid and Easy Deflation
Designed to Inflate Large or Small Balloons with a Single Fill of Device
Presto™ Inflation Device
Indications for Use:
The Presto™ Inflation Device is indicated for use with angioplasty balloon dilatation catheters to create and
monitor the pressure in the angioplasty balloon dilatation catheter and to deflate the angioplasty balloon
dilatation catheter.
None known.
1) Contents supplied STERILE using ethylene oxide (EO). Non-Pyrogenic. Do not use if sterile barrier is opened
or damaged. Single patient use only. Do not reuse, reprocess or re-sterilize. 2) This device has been designed
for single use only. Reusing this medical device bears the risk of cross-patient contamination as medical devices
– particularly those with long and small lumina, joints, and/or crevices between components – are difficult
or impossible to clean once body fluids or tissues with potential pyrogenic or microbial contamination have
had contact with the medical device for an indeterminable period of time. The residue of biological material
can promote the contamination of the device with pyrogens or microorganisms which may lead to infectious