Safety features, accuracy and efficiency. All in one system.
MEDRAD® Intego allows accurate and personalized dose-on-demand administration of 18F-FDG and 18F-NaF from a multi-dose vial, while shielding and protecting the operator.
How does MEDRAD® Intego work?
A multi-dose vial of 18F-FDG or 18F-NaF is delivered to the nuclear medicine department. The operator loads the custom tungsten vial shield into the system and installs the source administration set (SAS).
After the system is primed and the concentration of radiopharmaceutical is checked, the operator can set the next patient injection protocol (weight-based or fixed dose) and inject the radiopharmaceutical. The system also allows for an optional saline test injection
The patient administration set (PAS) must be changed with each patient. The SAS must be changed with new radiopharmaceutical vial.
What Are the Benefits of MEDRAD® Intego?
Safety Features for Clinicians: Reduction in Radiation Exposure
Automated dose preparation and infusion enable hands-off operation and increased distance from the activity source
Tungsten and lead shielding reduce radiation exposure for clinicians
Clinical experience shows a reduction in radiation exposure compared to manual infusion. For example, studies have found*:
94% reduction (p < 0.05) in operator extremity dose1
63% reduction in extremity exposure for technologists and 87% for nurses2
*Please refer to the Clinical reference brochure for more published experiences.