Our new realistic 80 years old female patient care manikin.
Molded from the Life-model to ensure body proportions and shape of a real human at the elderly age.
The manikin has a flexibility and mobility of joints: shoulders, hips, knees, lumbar for patient positioning and transfer techniques.
Realistic soft silicone skin with pigmented spots and hair-covering
Head tilt, ear canal, eyes with the possibility of lifting the eyelids, anatomically correct airways:
- nose with septum
- teeth and tongue
- oropharynx and nasopharynx
- movable jaw
- vocal cords
- larynx
- trachea
- esophagus
- tracheostomy (optional)
Anatomical torso landmarks:
- breast
- ibs
- clavicle
- iliac bone
Сhest movements during ventilation
Subclavian catheter and central venous port for injection and catheter care
Chest tube insertion at mid-axillary line in the 4th intercostal space and needle decompression at 2nd intercostal space
Abdominal wall with the colostomy, drains, postoperative wounds for ostomy and wounds care
Anatomy of the pelvic region, ilium and perineum for catheterization, enema administration and peri care
Bag-mask ventilation
Intubation technique
Nasogastric tube insertion
Tracheostomy care
IV access on the upper limbs
IM injections in the shoulder/thigh/buttock
Subclavian catheter care
Injections into the central venous port
Urinary catheterization
Enema administration
Colostomy care and colostomy bag
Sacral bed sore care
Postoperative wounds and drains care
Patient positioning and transfer techniques