The DxM Autoplak System fully automates front-end plate streaking processes, broth inoculation and slide preparation to increase productivity and ensure reliability.
Automate the inoculation and streaking of culture plates in your microbiology laboratory. Improve efficiency, ensure reliability and enhance productivity by fully automating up-front specimen processing. Meet laboratory demands through automation.
Advance the efficiency of your laboratory by automating inoculation and plate streaking
Minimize contamination risk through reliable and safe sample processing
Increase productivity and enable technologists to manage more intensive tasks
Increase efficiency
Load 1 to 120 samples at any time without interruption to the system with random access capability
Simplify processing of challenging specimens, such as stool and sputum, through automated features
Automate decapping and recapping of multiple specimen containers
Use up to 440 plates with up to 11 types of media
Ensure reliability
Integrate the system with your laboratory's LIS
Minimize cross-contamination with high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filtration and a linear, one-way sample flow
Preserve traceability and reduce errors with sophisticated barcode technology
Enhance productivity
Inoculate and streak up to 140 plates per hour automatically
Free up time and respond to dynamic staffing needs with the DxM 6100 Autoplak Advanced System
Standardize streaking methods through automation
Decrease TAT by minimizing the need for subculturing