Rapid détection of three pathogens with three tubes simultaneously
Sensitive and precise
Internal control and 2019-nCoV determination by triple targets
1. ORriabgene • N geno Testing protocol recommended by China CDC
2. Detection o* I gen the most stable gene, as recommended by CDC of many countries
3.CombinedORFlab,'N, i gene detection eliminâtes the possibility of undetected mutations
Work Flow
Diversified detections
Clmical Verification
Currently, more than 400 Chinese CDC institutions have used more than 1
million copies ofXABT Influenza Nucleic Acid Detection kits for 5 years.
Up to early March this year, XABT has sent 400,000 copies of 2019-nCoV
detection kits to hundreds of hospitals and CDCs in more than 20 provinces in China.
VIII. Differential diagnosis
(II) Differential diagnosis novel coronavirus pneumonia: It should be mainly distinguished from other known viral pneumonia such as influenza virus, adcnovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and mycoplasma pncumoniac infections, cspccially for suspcctcd cases, détection methods such as rapid antigen test and multiplex PCR nucleic acid assay should be taken to detect the common respiratory pathogens.
“The nucleic acids assay of influenza A and B viruses from Wuhan Union Hospital (statistics on January 23, 2020) have shown that, the positive rate of influenza A and B nucleic acids in adult upper respiratory tract is 47%, with the majorityof influenza B. The outbreak of 2019-nCoV infection is just in the influenza season, and its mild to moderate symptoms are similar to those of influenza, there-fore,