Advanced Control Technology, Classic Design
Alloy Material, High Temperature Spray, High Quality & Technology
AM832 anaesthesia machine is safe and stable.
The minimum tidal volume can be controlled at 20ml, so different patients can be satisfied.
PEEP function can reduce inspiratory work for patients and improve man-machine synchronization.When the oxygen battery falls off or fails, an alarm will be issued to ensure
the safety of the equipment in clinical use.
Preoperative examination
This examination should be conducted before anesthesia, which is a guideline that encourages users to make modifications based on local clinical time. Such local ' modifications should be approved and appropriately peer reviewed. Users should refer to the operator manual for spécial procédures or précautions. For step-by-step opération instructions, please refer to the relevant chapters of the manual.
Before administering anesthesia to patients every day, the following opérations should be performed:
•Connect the anesthesia System to an AC power source, tum on the power switch, and verify that the anesthesia System is powered by an AC power source.
•Check the safety information and alarm for insufficient oxygen supply pressure.
•Test for low oxygen concentration alarm.
•Test airway high and low pressure alarms.