Hifem Using High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic (HIFEM) technology, Our machine inducessupramaximal muscle contractions not achievable through exercise (or voluntary contrac-tions). During normal voluntary muscle contractions the muscle fibers relax between eachnervous stimulus. Our machine generates impulses at such a rapid frequency that it doesn’tallow such a relaxation phase. Supramaximal contractions cause an enhanced adrenalinereleas, which triggers an intensive lipolysis response in fat cells. When exposed to the su-pramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue is forced to adapt, responding with a deep remod-eling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and fat burning.
our machine induces very strong (supramaximal)muscle contractions,not achievable through workout.when exposed to these strong contractions,the muscletissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition.Themusle starts remodelling its inner structure by multipli-cation of fibers and their growth.The HIFEM uses aspecific range of frequencies that does not allow musclerelaxation between two consecutive stimulations.Themuscle is forced to remain in contracted state for multi-ple seconds.