Product Name: Human Chorionic Gonado Detection Kit(Magnetic Solid Phase Chemiluminescent Immunoassay)
Packaging: 24 T/KIT
Intended Use:
This product is used for the in vitro quantification of human chorionic gonadotropin (Total-hCGβ) in human serum. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a glycoprotein consisting of 237 amino acids secreted by the trophoblast cells of the placenta and is composed of α and β dimeric glycoproteins. Its main function is to stimulate the corpus luteum, which facilitates the continuous secretion of estrogen and progesterone to promote the formation of the uterine meconium and the maturation of the placenta. hCG enters the mother's blood after fertilization and proliferates rapidly until the eighth week of pregnancy, then decreases slowly until the eighteenth to twentieth week and then remains stable. If the increase in hCG is greater than 66% every two days, intrauterine pregnancy can be diagnosed; if the increase is less than 66%, ectopic pregnancy or intrauterine pregnancy is very likely; if the increase is slow twice in a row, it indicates ectopic pregnancy or abnormal embryo developmental delay; if the decrease is continuous and obvious, it indicates fetal death; if the increase is slow, it indicates ectopic pregnancy or abnormal embryo developmental delay. If the rate of increase is very fast, it indicates the possibility of a gravidity and must be monitored closely. It is also possible to have twins. If Total-hCGβ remains high after the third trimester, it is suggestive of staphylococcal fetus; after removal of the fetal mass, Total-hCGβ should decline substantially and reach a negative level 16 weeks after removal.