Product Name: 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25-oh-vit-d) detection kit(Magnetic Solid Phase Chemiluminescent Immunoassay)
Packaging: 24 T/KIT
Purpose of the test
Vitamin D testing is used to determine whether you have enough vitamin D in your body to support normal bodily functions. An inadequate level of vitamin D is called a deficiency. A more mild lack of vitamin D can be referred to as an insufficiency.
Your health care provider may order a vitamin D test in order to:
Screen for a possible deficiency or insufficiency if you have a risk factor that increases the likelihood of having a low level of vitamin D. A risk factor is anything that makes it more likely for a health problem to occur.
Diagnose a vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency if you have symptoms that suggest low levels. Testing may also be used to diagnose a rare vitamin D toxicity due to excess intake of vitamin D supplements.
Monitor your vitamin D levels if you are being treated for a previously detected deficiency.