3D Slin Analyzer provides facial skin test and morphologjcal analysis to generate oustomized treatment plan:facialhigh-definition image data by four spectra can be obtained,
Resolution is 2000W Pixel for whole face image:combined with professional skin analysis algorithm, highly referential test reports can be generated: within 8S,180° high-dlefinition soan on whole face can produce 3D facial modleling; fadal Feature Points data can bemeasured precisely; there is digit-driven Aesthetios Design.
Self-Research Skin Color Calbration ISP System based on ColorChecker (24 Colors) ensures the Authenticity and Consistency between skin texture and its mage.
Industrial-Level Standard camera and best flashlight hduded angle are appied. combined with Smart Modeing Technology. Facial 3D Modeing csn be created preasely.
In VascUar Image. red area value can be extracted and highlighted by mage enhancement technology.
In Red Heatmap, the hemoglobin in shin capilary can be shown by areas of dark red.
In UV light. there are Porphyrin Imaging. PropionibacteriLm Acnes. Pityrosporum
Skin Texture. Skin Ratness. Wrinkles. Rne Lhes, Large Pores can be observed.
UV Pigment Spots Imaging can be used for UV Eumelsnn Pigment Spots Imaging.