The Q-Switched laser machine
utilizing the explosive effect of the ND:YAG LASER,
the laser permeates the epidermis into the dermis
and takes effect on pigment mass and is absorbed by
pigment. Since the laser pulses is extremely short in
nanosecond and comes with super high energy, the
pigment mass would swell quickly and break into
small pieces, which will be eliminated through
metabolism. In the case, the pigment become lighter
gradually and finally disappear.
Pigment Removal, such as skin lesions, mixed pigments and traumatic pigments;
Tattoo removal: perfect performance on all kinds of color including black, red, blue,
coffee, brown, etc;Eliminates the age pigment, spot, birthmark, and pigment changes
Remove tattoo on eyebrow, eye line and lip line;Remove pigmented nevus, freckle,
aged spot, nevus of Ota, nevus flammeus, acne rosacea, hemangioma,spider-shaped
telangiectasia blood vessel
1.Pulse controlable,can avoid pigmentation caused by laser like normal.
2.More stable structure and better cooling system.
3.Unique technology for this tip ,it is auto absorb by magnet ,easy operate.
4.Treatment tips including 1064nm 532nm 1320nm