First and foremost, IPL (or intense pulse light) uses a single pulse of energy, at high intensity, which targets the customer’s hair follicles and melanin. IPL simply works by releasing light in multiple wavelengths directly into the dermis. Melanin is produced in specialised cells called melanocytes. The intense light and energy from IPL is converted into heat energy and is able to cause damage to the hair follicles without causing damage to the skin. This makes IPL more suitable for people with darker and coarser hair. It is a high -intensity 、wide-spectrum、non-continuous light source, working on the principle that light energy is absorbed into particular target cells with color(chromophores) in the skin.
One fixed wavelength Handle — 640nm
One replaceable wavelength Tips handle — 520nm, 540nm , 580nm
10.4 inch color touch screen
Energy density
Spot size
16*46mm — One fixed wavelength Handle
12*40mm — One replaceable wavelength Tips handle
Pulse Width
1 - 25ms
Machine size