The latest iteration of themage, and just like its predecessor, it too uses radio-frequency energy to heat the skin from the inside out. By delivering the energy deep below the surface of the skin in a uniform effect, the layers of skin where collagen is produced are heated to smooth out existing collagen and create new collagen.
The latest iteration of themage, and just like its predecessor, it too uses radio-frequency energy to heat the skin from the inside out. By delivering the energy deep below the surface of the skin in a uniform effect, the layers of skin where collagen is produced are heated to smooth out existing collagen and create new collagen.
1. RF Wrinkle Principle
Enter into the subcutaneous tissue through the RF to make the natural resistance movement in the subcutaneous tissue's to generate the heat energy, immediate contraction is generated on the heated collagen, while stimulating the dermis layer to secrete more new collagen to fill the contracted and lost collagen vacancy thus hold up skin scaffolds again and restore the skin elasticity.
2. RF Technology Skin Renewal Principle
The electric field and electrode in the cured part of the biological tissue can be changed for millions of times within 1 second by RF system. The charged particles in the tissue will produce rapid Brownian motion at the same frequency to make the tissue produce the columnar distributed heat. The collagen hydrogen structure will be destroyed.