A passive collecting device, working autonomously to monitor airborne particle contamination
Developed by Winlight company, Cleapart is a particle deposition rate monitoring device that ensures safety operations when working with sensitive surfaces such as optics, lasers, medical devices, pharmaceutical & cosmetics products.
A cleanroom helps to reduce the contamination of unwanted airborne particles when working on a product or patient. However, the remains particles could affect the operational quality on final products. Operating principle of Cleapart-100: Airborne particles naturally settle and are deposited on the glass collection analysis surface (100 cm2).
The device can be oriented horizontally or vertically as desired, in order to be as representative as possible of the object or process to be monitored. Particles deposited on the glass collection surface are detected, measured and recorded by a purpose-designed imaging and lighting system that scans the glass collection surface. The optics head, scans the complete analysis area in 7 minutes. Thanks to his high resolution camera coupled to a microscope objective, Cleapart-100 can detect, count and sort particles from >5µm, >15µm, >25 µm and 100 µm on real time.
The device can be oriented horizontally or vertically as desired, in order to be as representative as possible of the object or process to be monitored.
Detection specification
Pixel size: 2μm
Number of pixels/scan: 1970 Megapixels
No periodic calibration needed (self calibration)