For quantitative determination of transferrin in human serum .
Principle :
Anti transferrin antibodies when mixed with samples containin transferrin form insoluble complexes. These complexes cause an absorbance change, dependent upon the transferrin concentration of the patient sample,that can be quantified by comparison from a calibrator of known transferrin concentartion.
R1 (DILUENT): Tris buffer 20 mmol/L, PEG 8000, pH 8.3
R2 (ANTIBODY): Goat serum, anti human transferring pH 7.5. Sodium azide 0.95 g/L
CALIBRATION (Optional) Serum Proteins Calibrator is recommended.
Reagents are ready to use.
Wavelength : 340 nm (320-360 nm)
Working temperature : 37°C
Optical path : 1 cm
Assay type : Turbidimetry
Direction : Increasing
1. Bring the reagents and the photometer (cuvette holder) to 37°C .
2. Adjust the instrument to zero with distilled water.
3. Pipette into a test tube
4. Mix and read the absorbance (Abs.1) after the sample or calibrator addition.
5. Pipette into a test tube
6. Mix well and read the absorbance (Abs.2) of calibrators and sample exactly 2 minutes after the R2 addition .
Calculate the absorbance difference (Abs.2-Abs.1) of each point of the calibration curve and plot the values obtained against the transferrin concentration of each calibrator dilution. transferrin concentration in the sample is calculated by interpolation of its(Abs.2Abs.1) in the calibration curve.
Serum Proteins Control are recommended to monitor the performance of manual and automated assay procedures.