Yes, it’s nice when it’s simple.
Software unlike any other for a liquid handling system.
Configure samples and assays, layout your deck and then start Myra and Mic.
One setup – two instruments. So easy.
Set up the robotic liquid handling system for yourself. Use the custom mode for creating your own setup to a fully automated setup using the intelligent option.
There are inbuilt options for common applications such as qPCR and NGS library quantification. All of these are fully integrated with the Mic qPCR cycler for a seamless workflow. Applications such as NGS library preparation and DNA/RNA isolation will also be available in future Myra developments. Select the option in the start menu and follow the easy steps to getting the run started.
Assay Creation
Creating assays up front makes life easy for future runs. The assays contain all the information to prepare an experiment such as reaction components, thermal profiles and analysis options. The last two being very useful when integrating with a Mic cycler. Using clever logic embedded into the assay design ensures you never miss critical elements of the setup.
Run Setup
No longer do you need to configure a robot specific run setup. Simply setup your qPCR run using a format we are all familiar with. Editable tables allow easy setup of multiple assays and runs along with all information required to achieve comprehensive data analysis. The software continually verifies the setup details are consistent to ensure it all works smoothly.
For Mic qPCR cycler users that’s all there is to it. Myra and Mic runs are setup in one screen!