Mixture of pure paraffin (aliphatic hydrocarbons) and additive polymers (concentration: 0.3%) for histological samples
The products do not contain DMSO.
The manufacturing process concerning the Bio Plast waxes is managed and controlled by a company managerial system which is
completely computerized. The laboratory staff places the production formula on the system when they make a sales order and
generates a new production lot.
This formula has been filed away and is available in the managerial informatics system of the company and it includes the list of
the raw materials, essential for the production of the final product and the required amount.
Based on the production formula assigned by the laboratory, the authorized production staff start the production: the exact
amount of product is automatically taken from the tank, in order to follow the typology and the right amount marked by the
pre-assigned formula.
The computerized system is constantly controlling the parameters and alerts in the event of an irregularity
Exclusive blends of high-quality paraffins and plastic polymers. Excellent penetration into
all types of tissue and optimum elasticity during cutting, for serial sections including with
fibrous tissues.