Primary container: white bottle in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Useful capacity 500 ml. HDPE cap. Tamper evident cap. - 05-05030/L Primary container: white bottle in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Useful capacity 1 l. HDPE cap. Tamper evident cap.
Wear, water, alcohol and solvents resistant PVC label. Scratchproof ink resistant to water and alcohol
Expected aim Product for the preparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy.
Application Reagent used as oxidant in the PAS method.
In the PAS method, to show the neutral mucins, the periodic acid oxidizes selectively groups: 1.2 - Glycolic; primary aminic (or 1-hydroxy-2-aminic); secondary aminic (or 1-hydroxy-2-alkylaminic) and 1-hydroxy-2-ketonic. During oxidating process the links between carbon atoms in 1,2 position break and consequently aldehydic groups are formed. In the following reaction, sulphurous fuchsin in Schiff reagent changes these 2 contiguous aldehydic groups into a insoluble stained compound.
1)Sections to water
2)Periodic acid solution10 minutes
3)Wash in distilled water
4)Schiff reagent20 minutes
5)Wash in distilled water
6)Mayer’s Hemalum3 minutes
7)Blue in tap water5 minutes
8)Dehydrate in alcohol
9)Xylene and mount
Positive PAS substances ..................................................................................................... Red
ResultsPositive PAS substances ..................................................................................................... Red magenta