Minimum number of tests that can be performed 100
Completion time 50 minutes
Shelf life 2 years
Storage conditions 15-25°C
Additional equipment Not required
Method indicated for highlighting and differentiating acid mucopolysaccharides on tissue
sections. In order to distinguish sulfated mucins from weakly sulfated mucins, hyaluronic acid and sialomucins, the method requires the use of 2 serial sections. By treating the first with Alcian Blue pH 2.5 and the next with Alcian Blue pH 1 and then comparing the preparations, it is possible to differentiate the weakly sulfated mucins from sulfated mucins, hyaluronic acid and sialomucins.
Acid mucopolysaccharides blue - turquoise
1) Bring the section to the distilled water.
2) Dispense 10 drops of reagent A onto the section: leave to act for 30 minutes.
3) Without washing, drain the slide and dispense 10 drops of reagent B onto the
section: leave to act for 10 minutes.
4) Wash in distilled water.
5) Dehydrate by means of the ascending series of alcohols; xylene and balsam.
1) Bring the section to the distilled water.
2) Dispense 10 drops of reagent C onto the section: leave to act for 30 minutes.
3) Without washing, drain the slide and dispense 10 drops of reagent D onto the
section: leave to act for 10 minutes.
4) Wash in distilled water.
5) Dehydrate by means of the ascending series of alcohols; xylene and balsam.