Minimum number of tests that can be performed 100
Completion time 45 minutes
Shelf life 1 year
Storage conditions 2-8°C
Additional equipment oven, 50 ml Coplin jar, glass rod
The method of choice for viewing neurofibrils, axons, dendrites and senile plaques.
Usable on sections fixed in 10% formalin and embedded in paraffin, having a thickness
of 8 – 10 μm.
Neurofibrils and senile plaques black
Background from yellow to brown
Product for the preparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy.
Recommended method to show neurofibrils, axons, dendrites and senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease.
Impregnations methods are extensively used in neurohistology and there is not at present any way of selectively colouring axons and dendrites with dyes in routine preparations.
Silver impregnations methods are based on the following principle: the silver which is present in the ammoniacal solution in form of complex hydrosoluble oxide - [Ag(NH 3) 2] 2O is reduced by some cellular components to black, stable and insoluble metallic state.
Bielschowsky method is one of the most reliable ammoniacal silver impregnation method and is particularly suited to diagnostic material.
For good results, follow these rules:
- Always use excellent and chlorine-free distilled or deionized water.
- Use only perfectly clean glassware.
- Avoid deposit of dust on sections. Never touch solutions with metallic objects (tweezers etc.