Minimum number of tests that can be performed 72
Completion time 35 minutes
Shelf life 2 years
Storage conditions 15-25°C
Additional equipment 50 ml vertical histology jar, graduated cylinder and glass rod
Method indicated for viewing reactive ferric iron on tissue sections, blood smears and
bone marrow smears.
Specificity - the Perls reaction does not show all the iron present in the tissue: iron bound
to hemoglobin, malaria pigment, ferritin, pigments deriving from the use of acid formalin
and ferrous iron does not react.
Reactive ferric iron blue
Nuclei red
Product for the préparation of cyto-histological samples for optical microscopy.
To show reactive ferrie iron in tissue sections (method 1) and for haematology and cytology (method 2).
Potassium ferrocyanide reacts with ferrie ions of hemosiderin in acid environment to form a coloured sait: Prussian blue. Reaction takes place in ionic form as follows: 4 Fe~~ 3K4Fe(CN)6 = Fe4(Fe(CN)6h+ 12 K*