It was developed taking in mind also patients’ home use. MULTICAREIN can accurately measure blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides on the same device in seconds by fingertip pricking.
MULTICAREIN is a self-testing multiparametric system for the monitoring of metabolic disorders.
MULTICAREIN allows patients to check essential parameters involved in metabolic disorders.
Key features
ejection of the strip
for cholesterol with Male/Female and Fasting/Not fasting indexes
5 secs for glucose determination, from 30 to 60 secs for cholesterol and triglycerides determination
Easy test procedure
Switch from a test to another simply by changing the strip and data chip
Up to 500 determinations
Amperometric technology for glucose* and Reflectometric technology for cholesterol and triglycerides. *UNI EN ISO 15197: 2015
Lithium batteries are sufficient for 1,000 determinations; the device works in a wide range of climatic conditions.