InPouch TF® is a simple-to-use culture media for the detection of Tritrichomonas foetus – the parasite that causes Bovine Trichomoniasis. Designed for collection, transport and detection, the proprietary medium is highly selective and specific for trich — with a nutritive culture that maintains and propagates the parasite for easy visual detection.
Simply swab and inoculate the fluid at the point-of-care. Parasite flagellates can be observed at 10X magnification.
Trich infections are devastating for cattle producers
One bull can infect a large portion of the herd. Testing bulls for Trich before and after breeding season protects your herd and investment. Even with a closed herd, and no community pastures, there is still risk of Trichomoniasis if infected cow or bull from a neighboring herd comes through the fence. Trichomoniasis is difficult to eradicate. The costs of a trich-infected bull can be staggering; infected cows experience reproductive failure, lower calving frequency, and more — infected bulls need to be destroyed as they do not exhibit symptoms. Colorado State University published an analysis of Trichomoniasis Prevention: the Cost per Cow to Prevent.
Simple Convenience -
Combine culture, result and microscopic observation in one IVD device.
Highly selective prepared media in a device designed for in-vitro specimen transport and incubation.
Rapid presumptive diagnosis of T. foetus in cattle
Recommended as a parallel test with other POC rapid tests.
InPouch can be placed directly on microscope stage
PCR Compatible