The Hand Held Trigger Switch provides the user with a very accurate method of synchronizing a DataLITE system with other systems. Other systems may be manufactured by Biometrics Ltd such as the DataLOG, or a 3rd party camera-based motion capture system.
In general, when a recording is made using 2 digital systems, it can be very difficult to synchronize the systems due to:
communication delays which are inherent using all PC operating platforms, including Microsoft Windows, and
differences between the 2 quartz system clocks. For example, two quartz crystal controlled watches accurate to say 1 second per day, perfectly synchronized at time zero will be out by over 40mS after 1 hour.
A large green LED for accurate synchronization with 3rd party camera-based recording systems
A top mounted large button to start and stop a recording. This button can be programmed to be used as a trigger switch during recording instead of stopping the recording
A socket mounted at the bottom of the unit which is used for wired electrical synchronization with a 3rd party system
The Hand Held Trigger Switch is readily connected to a 3rd party system using cable REF SYNC7 as shown to the right. One end of the cable connects to the socket at the bottom of the Trigger Switch and the other end is connected to the 3rd party system.