This kit is intended for the analysis the qualitative detection of Monkeypox Virus nucleic acids from a specimen(such as skin lesions) through Real-Time Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
Enhanced Sensitivity & Specificity : Bioneer’s patented technology accomplishes high sensitivity and specificity.
Compatible with the various system: Exicycler™ 96(BIONEER), ABI7500Fast, Quatistuido™5(Thermofisher), CFX 96(Bio-Rad)
*Limitation: This kit is a qualitative assay for Research Use Only (RUO) and is not intended for diagnostic purposes.
Kit type : Master Mixture type
Sample type : Monkeypox Virus DNA extracted from a specimen(such as skin lesions)
Compatible system: Exicycler™96(BIONEER), ABI 7500 FAST, QuantiStudio™5(ThermoFisher), CFX 96(Bio-Rad)