By using 13,000 proven primer pairs, we provide customized panels that are tailored to the purpose of the experimenter. We can produce various panel pathway and disease related genes in the form of panel which you want to screen at once. You can easily analyze target gene expression patterns by using Customized qPCR panel kit.
With our 20 years of experience, Accupower® Customized qPCR Panel Kit is a service that provides a customized panel that is tailored to your gene expression analysis, using over 13,000 validated primer pairs. Also, simply mix with cDNA samples and 2X master mix (or premix) to start your analysis as the primer pairs are already coated.
Features and Benefits
Customized Service
Tailored panels only consisting of genes that customers orders
Primers with guaranteed qPCR efficiency of 90 ~ 110% and detection limit of 100 copies
Simplified protocol just by adding the master mix for analysis to immediately start the experiment
Reduced cost and time for Primer design, synthesis and efficiency verification.
We produce panels according to the quantity of genes selected by the customers.
Reference Genes and qPCR Controls
• Reference genes (internal control)
Provides five representative genes for internal control in relative quantitative analysis.
• Genomic DNA Control (GDC)
Provides a genomic DNA control to detect gDNA contamination of samples.
• Reverse Transcription Control (RTC)
Provides a separate template RNA for determining if reverse transcription has been performed correctly.