The Dual Wireless Heel and Toe Strike BioNomadix transmitter is specifically designed to measure two channels of strike data.
For Heel/Toe data, add the Heel/Toe Strike Transducer (BN-STRIKE-XDCR – separate purchase). Use two BN-STRIKE-XDCR transducers to record from both feet simultaneously.
The system will record heel/toe strike activity via two force sensitive resistors (FSRs) located in the associated transducer. Strike signal data is transmitted at a rate of 2,000 Hz, providing an extremely high resolution waveform. Raw data is bandlimited from DC to 10 Hz to provide a very high quality recording.
Use with a Logger or a matched Receiver. The matched pair incorporates internal highpass and lowpass filters to provide for high quality amplification
The BN-STRIKE system with added Heel/Toe Strike Transducer(s) will record heel and toe strike relative applied pressure and timing activity as the subject walks. The FSRs indicate the pressure placed on the heel and on the toe as the subject walks. Typically, one FSR is attached to the sole of a shoe at the heel and the other FSR is attached at the toes. However, the sensors can be placed anywhere along the length of the sole.
Each FSR outputs data on a separate analog channel so the system can easily detect simultaneous strike. The high sampling rate (2000 Hz) allows the system to detect the very slight nuance in timing shifts (down to 0.5 ms resolution) between heel strike and toe strike. In addition to timing measurements, the BN-STRIKE also permits measurement of relative applied pressure, for either FSR, during gait.