ConfiCaps™ connect to an existing Mobita® base unit for wireless, wearable biopotential recording—options include 32-channel EEG, 10/20 EEG + 13 TP adapters, and 12 surface electrodes + 20 TP adapters. Assemblies include a trigger connector for synchronization with other devices. Snap the assembly to a Mobita base unit and complete subject connections to record up to 32 channels of data for either in laboratory telemetry or remote data logging applications.
With water electrodes, subject ground* (GND) requires adhesive snap electrode, such as EL503 or EL504, not included
Mobita can record many different signal types.
Quickly change the electrode configuration or signal type by swapping out the ConfiCap to change inputs for specific applications (i.e., 32-ch EEG, EMG, or combinations of ECG/EMG/EEG, etc.), customize your own design, or create research protocol driven configurations. Simply disconnect one header and snap on a new configuration for a completely different application. Each channel is unipolar (single-ended) and AcqKnowledge is easily configured to create unique montages and combinations of signals. Record a 12-lead ECG while recording EEG and EMG data all with the same device.
Developed during the European BRAIN project, after a period of profound research, the 32-channel EEG ConfiCap is used with an H20 headcap and water electrodes, which eliminate the need for gel. Water electrodes should remain moist for up to eight hours of operation; the rubber ring in the electrode cap must make good contact with the subject to seal off the soaked insert and prevent it from drying out.