- The standard-sized capillary electrophoresis Bio-Fragment Analyzer for DNA, RNA and protein.
- Qsep100 Advance is ideal for small and medium-sized laboratories for its 1~96 sample capacity and high sample flexibility.
- The provided protein method makes it a top choice for protein applications.
- The provided quantitative method delivers fragment size and concentration information in one run.
Qsep100 Advance is an advanced automated Bio-Fragment Analyzer specialized in protein analysis. Besides analyzing the DNA and RNA, it can replace SDS gel electrophoresis of protein analysis. It has the same structure as Qsep100 and can analyze 1~96 samples. The high sample flexibility makes it suitable for small and medium-sized laboratories.
The system provides various kinds of applications such as RNA quality control with RNA Quality Number (RQN) provided, auto-distribution of NGS QC and quality control of gDNA with DNA Quality Number (DQN) provided. Qsep100 Advance is a top choice for NGS QC.
Qsep series can not only replace the complicated and time-consuming gel preparation and analysis procedure, but increase the accuracy of analysis, elevate efficiency and reproducibility, and reduce the human error and costs.
DNA: PCR fragment detection, cDNA QC, gDNA QC (with DNA Quality Number, DQN), plasmid DNA QC, fragmentation and library sample QC, cfDNA analysis, low concentration sample analysis, fragmental quantitative analysis, reagent optimization, etc.
RNA: Total RNA QC (with RNA Quality Number, RQN), RNA fragment analysis, and low concentration analysis.
Protein: Profiling check and protein purity analysis.