MTT-B Cell Proliferation Assay is based on the transformation and colorimetric quantification of MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide. The respiratory chain and other electron transport systems reduce MTT and other tetrazolium salts. As a result, non-water-soluble violet formazan crystals accumulate within the cell. The amount of these crystals can be determined using a spectrophotometer, serving as an estimate of the number of mitochondria and, hence, the number of living cells in the sample. These features allow performing cytotoxicity or cell proliferation assays.
In this assay, the resulting formazan crystals are directly redissolved without removing the culture medium. This kit is suitable for cells in suspension and faster, but less sensitive, than MTT Cell Proliferation Assay A.
Additional information
Sizes: 500,2000 and 5000 tests
Expiry date: 1 year
Storage: -20ºC, and room temperature
Reagents: MTT solution and MTT solvent
Necessary material: 96 well-plate spectrophotometer