Among reactive aldehydes, malondialdehyde (MDA) has been extensively used as an index of LPO.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) can be generated by oxidizing agents that alter lipid structure, creating lipid peroxides. The TBARS Assay Kit is a tool for the direct quantitative measurement of MDA in biological samples. This method, is convenient to determine the relative lipid peroxide content of samples, including plasma, serum, cell culture supernatants, and urine samples. Multi-unsaturated lipids are most likely to form peroxides, and so they are the most reactive lipids in the TBARs assay.
Select your protocol when ordering:
A is for general samples (i.e biological fluids)
B is for agrifood samples
Additional information
Sizes: 100,200 and 400 tests
Expiry date: 1 year
Storage: 4ºC
Reagents: Reagent A, Reagent B, Reagent C, Reagent D, Reagent E, and Standard (MDA)
Necessary material: 96 well-plate spectrophotometer. NOTE: Flat bottom transparent microplates for UV/VIS applications is sent by default. Pelase, ask for black microplates for fluorescence measurements.