BQC ABTS Assay Kit involves the direct production of the blue/green ABTS•+ chromophore, which has absorption maxima at 734 nm. After that, antioxidant compounds present in the sample reduce ABTS and produce a decoloration of the solution which is proportional to the antioxidant activity and the concentration of the antioxidant.
This reaction is rapid and the endpoint, which is stable, corresponds to a measure of the antioxidative efficiency.
This kit is recommended for the total antioxidant activity of solutions of pure substances, aqueous mixtures, and beverages.
In this assay, Trolox or Vitamin C can be used to standardize the sample TAC relative to Trolox (Trolox Equivalents Antioxidant Capacity, TEAC) or Vitamin C (Vitamin C Equivalents Antioxidant Capacity, CEAC).
Additional information
Sizes: 100,200 and 400 tests
Expiry date: 1 year
Storage: -20ºC, and room temperature
Reagents: Reagent A, Reagent B, and Standard (Vitamin C)
Necessary material: 96 well-plate spectrophotometer